Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Home and Family

Women traditionally invested their time in the daily tasks that are necessary for keeping their household and family in orderly manner. Let's take a look at PROVERBS 31:10-31 and see how we are instructed to be "homemakers" (Greek ~ oikourgos ~ literally means homeworkers also in Titus 2:5)

Common Tasks:
  • Drawing Water (Genesis 24:19,20,42,44)
  • Making Clothing, Laundry (Proverbs 31:13; Acts 9:36 - 42)
  • Preparing Food (Proverbs 31:21)
  • Caring for Children (Proverbs 31:21)
Social Tasks:
Looking at Genesis 18:6 and 1Timothy 5:10)
  • Offering Welcoming
  • Offering Food
  • Offering Rest
  • Offering Hospitality

Spiritual Tasks:
Women have always played an important role in the spiritual nurturing of their children. We have to remember that we have to invest a lot of time in developing a nurturing skills even though it comes natural for most women. We have a unique role of influence and responsibly for instructing our children and guiding our children in the right direction.
  • Shaping the spiritual values of children (Deuteronomy 6:7-9; Proverbs 31:21 and 2Timothy 1:3-5)
  • Preparing for the Sabbath - filling the oil lamps, cooking special foods in advance of the Sabbath
  • Praying for our children and family and lifting them up at all times
We have been sold a lie!
Ladies, those of you who work either because you want to or by circumstance have no other choice. We cannot have it all! When we attempt to have it all something or someone will suffer. Be honest enough to realize that work at home takes the higher place in your life.
Our home is more forgiving and thus more and more gets neglected. It takes a huge amount of time and energy to keep a house in tip top shape, feed our husbands and children with home cooked meals, and make sure your love and care is given to each and everyone of them.

Being home is a full time job! Their is no doubt about it! If you work outside of your home then you are working only part-time in your home. I often hear women say things like that a clean house is overrated and home cooked meals are not important. I know this because I gave that excuse to myself on multiple occasions. What I'm asking is that we do not contribute to spread this lie that you can work and have family without any loss. It doesn't mean that we cannot work, but we need to go into it with our eyes wide open. In my own case when I worked outside of home both my work and home suffered. I was split between the two and could not give a 100% at any place.

I'm not saying that we cannot work, just when we are faced with doing work outside our home we need to be aware of the fact that holding a job will require us to allow more hours than there are in a day to take care of our family the way we are instructed to. We will never be able to do both job fully and have success in both worlds.

When we are faced with the option of working consider this, God have instructed us to be helpers for our husbands and we have to take care our our home first and foremost. Their are a lot of opportunities that you can take, by working from home. Make sure you do your research first and beware there are a lot of scams out there. You can waste a lot of your energy and time and not earn a dime! Consult and talk with people that are close to you, to see if working from home is something that you could do.

Today I've read a very good post by a new friend of mine called Raising Daughters with an Entrepreneurial Spirit. Even if we are not entrepreneurial we need to learn how to be one and then turn around and teach our sons and daughters to be the same.

In any case, pray before you make that choice and ask for wisdom and guidance.

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