Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Year Organization

I know that it's the middle of February, but it's not to late to start to Organize your Year. So please get back with me to the book by Emilie Barnes...

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good his love and his kindness go on forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

"After fubushing a seminar on how to organize your household, I talked to a young mother who said, "I loved all the organizational ideas and tips you gave for the family and the home, but what about me - my personal organization?" Organization really does begin with our own personal lives. Once we have ourselves organized, we can move into the other areas of our lives such as our home or job.

Here are the tools you need to make your own daily planner.
  • A small purse size binder with paper
  • Blank tabs you can label yourself
  • A calendar

Label you tabs in the following way.

Tab 1: Goals

List long-range and short-range goals including daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly priorities. This will help you get your priorities in order. Include the following:

  • scriptures to read,
  • prayer requests,
  • priorities to accomplish
  • family goals
  • spiritual goals
  • household goals
  • workrelated goals
  • financial goals
  • budget goals

Tab 2: Calendar

Purchase a small month-at-a-glance calendar at a stationery store and insert it into your binder. As you learn to write activities and commitments down, you wll be surprised at how much less compicated your life becomes.

Tab 3: Daily Planner

In this section, list your daily appointments from morning to evening. This is not only useful for the mother who works ourside her home, but also for the homemaker who wants to get her daily household duties done in a more orderly manner.

Tab 4: To Do, To Buy

Make a note here of all the things you need to do when you have an errand day, such as:

  • pick up winter coat at the cleaners
  • go to the grocery store for birthday candles
  • take package to the post office
  • buy vatamins at health food store

Tab 5: Notes

Here is a place to write down notes from:

  • speakers and sermons
  • meetings and bible studies
  • projects

Tab 6: Miscellaneous

Keep topical lists in this section such as:

  • emergency phone numbers
  • dintist/physician
  • babysitters' phone numbers
  • favorite restaurant phone numbers
  • books and music recommended

Tab 7: Expense Account

This section is especially for work-related expence outside the home.

  • Who it was for and the amount and how it was paid for (cash, credit card, or check)
  • What it was for: Transportation, parking, food, promotion, or gas

Tab 8: Prayer Requests

Make colored insert tabs for each day of the week, Sunday through Saturday. Then write a coprehensive list of your prayer requests along with those of your friends and family, and divide them into five special lists. Assign each list to one day fr one week, Monday through Friday. Leave Saturday as a swing day for immediate prayer requests.

Sunday's section should be left open for the pastor's sermon. That way you have a history of Scripture and content for later reference or study. If someone mentions a prayer request at church, you can assign it to a special day of the week when you get home.

In this way you can cover your prayer needs over a week's time. Date the request when you enter it into your book and then record the date when it is answered. Over a period of time you will have a history of how God has worked in your life. Remember, too, that not all prayers are immediately answered by "yes" or "no". Some are put "on hold" for awhile.

I'll guarantee that by implementing these few helpful ideas into your new year, you'll be on your way to the "organized you""

By Emilie Barnes


I just want to add a few things. Through out my walk to a more organized me I have discovered that a lot of times I gave up and had no power to get up and do it again. So I would recomemd doing this with a friend or have at least someone pray for you and check up on you. It will take time for you to get used to, but it's worth every effort.

God bless,

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