Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lies Women Believe

Most of us have areas of bondage in our lives because we have listened to, believed in, and acted on lies. Move toward freedom in the practical issues of life.
  • God is not really good and doesn't love me
  • God is just like my father
  • God is not really enough
  • God's way are too restrictive
  • God should fix my problems
  • I'm not worth anything
  • I can't help the way I am
  • I have my rights
  • I should not have to live iwth unfulfilled longings
  • I can sin and get away with it
  • My sin ins't really that bad
  • God can't forgive what I have done
  • I am not fully responsible for my actions and reactions
  • I cannot walk in consistent victory over sin
  • I can make it without consistent time in the Word and prayer
  • I have to have a husband to be happy
  • If I feel something, it must be true
  • I can't control my emotions
  • If my circumstances were different, I would be different
  • I shouldn't have to suffer
  • My circumstances will never change - this will go on forever
  • I just can't take it any more
  • It's all about me

These are some of the lies we believe in if you want help on solving these problems read a book "Lies Women Believe" by: Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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