Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15th

Psalm 92:4
A fish would never be happy living an land, because it was made for water.
An eagle could never feel satisfied if it wasn't allowed to fly.
You will never feel completely satisfied on earth, because you were made for more. You will have happy moments here, but nothing compared with what God has planned for you.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me"
Psalm 51:10
"True confession cannot happen without repentance. Many times we don't confess our sin because we're not ready to let go of it...
I reached a milestone in my spiritual life when I began to say,"Lord, thank You for forgiving those sins. I know they did not please You, and I never want to de them again."
That can be hard to say because sometimes we want to commit certain sins again...
For your confession to be genuine, you must turn from your sins."
John MacArthur

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